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Stilwell School of the Arts Guidelines

    • Academic Requirements:

      • Maintain an overall 2.8 GPA (grade point average) per semester

      • Pass ALL Fine Arts Classes with an 80% (B) or better

        • Dance History and Music Appreciation are included


      • Be eligible for Promotion to the next grade at the end of the regular school year.

        • Promotion Requirements:

          • At the end of 9th grade, students must have at least 5 credits to be promoted to 10th grade.

          • At the end of 10th grade, student must have at least 11 credits to be promoted to 11th grade.

          • At the end of 11th grade, students must have at least 17 credits to be promoted to 12th grade.

          • At the end of 12th grade, students must have at least 23 credits to graduate.


      • Failure to meet this standard in any grading period will result in academic probation for the following semester.  Failure to meet this standard for two consecutive semesters will result in dismissal from Martha Ellen Stilwell School of the Arts. 

    • Attendance Requirements:

      • No more than 8 unexcused tardies to school

      • No more than 8 unexcused absences to school

      • Failure to meet this expectation will result in the student being placed on probation for the remainder of the current school year. The student/parent will be required to provide an excuse for all subsequent tardies or absences.  Students who fail to meet this expectation will be dismissed from the program.


    • Conduct

      • Abide by the student code of conduct as outlined in the CCBOE Student Handbook.

      • Level 1 Infractions will result in probation for the remainder of the school year.

        • E.G. Failure to follow procedures, failure to follow directions.

      • Level 2 and 3 Infractions can result in immediate dismissal from Stilwell School of the Arts.

        • E.G. Fighting, weapons, drugs, gang activity, blatant disrespect to personnel, and etc.


    • Make Up Work

      It is the student’s and parent’s responsibility to make arrangements and/or complete all work within 3 days of the student’s return to school.  Students must assume responsibility for obtaining the required information and making whatever arrangements are necessary with the teacher.

    • Grading Scale

Letter Grade

Grade Range




Exceeding content expectations



Meeting content expectations



Working toward meeting content expectations



Inadequate progress towards meeting content expectations


69 and below

Did not meet content expectations


No Credit

Enrolled 10 days or less



Course Requirements not completed