Dress Code
The following clothing items are not allowed:
Spandex, Leggings, Distressed Jeans, Midriff Tops, Slides or Flip Flops.
High School Dress and Grooming Standard
With the exception of those participating in a School Choice or a Magnet program, high school students will not be required to wear an assigned uniform; however, they must dress appropriately and adhere to the dress code guidelines described below.
Unacceptable Attire
Students are not allowed to wear clothing, jewelry (including body piercing jewelry and “grills”), buttons, haircuts, tattoos, or other attire or markings which are offensive, suggestive, disruptive, or indecent. Unacceptable attire include the following:
• Clothing associated with gangs
• Clothing encouraging the use of tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or violence
• Clothing associated with discrimination on the basis of age, color, handicap, national origin, sexual orientation, marital status, race, religion, or sex
• Clothing exposing the upper chest cleavage, torso, buttocks, or upper thighs such as see through garments, mini-
skirts, mini-dresses, halters, backless dresses, tube tops or tank tops with out over shirts, spaghetti strap garments without over shirts, bare midriff outfits, or shirts tied at the midriff
• Clothing that is intentionally altered or ill-fitted garments are not acceptable. Ill-fitted garments include, but are not limited to, garments that are too small or too large, unduly oversized or undersized, or skin-tight
• Transparent, mesh, or see through clothing
• Clothing must be completely buckled, belted, buttoned, or fastened; no sagging
• Cut, frayed or torn clothing with holes or patched holes
• Sleeveless shirts for boys
• No towels, wash cloths, or handkerchiefs are to be carried to school or used at school with exception of physical
education class
• Clothing or outer garments traditionally designed as undergarments such as boxer shorts, bloomers, tights, hosiery,
and sleepwear
• Clothing or footwear that is construed by the principal or designee as hazardous or dangerous to the health of the
students or others
• Hats, hoods, headgear, or any head covering, except when approved by the principal
Outer Garments
The dress and grooming standard for high school students shall not prohibit students from wearing coats, jackets, sweaters, or other appropriate outer garments when necessary due to weather conditions or for other legitimate reasons and shall be the appropriate size for the
student, shall not be overly baggy, not violate any other provisions of this protocol. Long overcoats or sweaters that might serve to conceal contraband shall be removed immediately upon arrival at the school or function.
Other Items
• Belts are required with no sagging of pants.
• Jeans that are ripped below the pocket and expose any part of the skin below the pocket are not permitted.
• Flip-flops, shower shoes, skate shoes, and house slippers are not permitted.
• No headgear of any kind is allowed. This includes hoods on clothing worn in the building (Exceptions will be considered in the case of head-wear or scarves worn as a part of a student’s religious practice or for documented medical reasons)
Design, Emblem, or Lettering
• Any design, emblem or lettering which refers to or promotes drugs, alcohol, profanity, immodesty or racial, ethnic or sexual discrimination is not allowed.
• No graphic, pictures, or writing on clothing shall be permitted except as part of an insignia.
• Any design, emblem or lettering should be no larger than 4 inches by 4 inches.